







About Maribeth

Maribeth is an accomplished fiber artist, teacher, lecturer, author and NQA Certified Judge qualified to evaluate Masterpiece Quilts.  She lived and taught abroad for many years before moving to Cedarburg, Wisconsin in 1994.  Maribeth has earned numerous ribbons and awards at regional, state and national  competitions. Additional work has  been juried into and invited to exhibit at Quilt Expo,  Madison, WI, Association of Pacific West Quilters, Tacoma, WA, Quilters’ Heritage Celebration, PA, WI Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts, IQA and AQS shows. Several of her quilts are published  in magazines, books and journals. 
She appeared in an episode of HGTV’s Simply Quilts, a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee documentary film on fiber arts and has an archived interview with The Alliance for American Quilts-Quilter’s Save Our Stories.
Maribeth is an Instructor of the NACQJ Two-Day Quilt Judging Seminar for potential quilt judges, quilt show chairs and others interested in what judges look for.
As a Certified Quilt Judge, Maribeth is well-qualified to judge all national quilt shows.  She successfully completed and passed a rigorous written exam and oral panel review on diverse aspects of quilt judging. She is certified to evaluate all types of quilting-machine and hand worked pieces, as well as traditional, art quilts and clothing.  Her experience includes having judged over 18,000 quilted pieces.
While judging, Maribeth treats every entry with respect.  She evaluates objectively and fairly, recognizing the creativity and workmanship in each entry.  She strives to provide valuable feedback to entrants commenting constructively and positively.  She continues to develop her quilting and teaching skills by regularly attending quilting classes, lectures and shows nation-wide.  She feels it’s most important to stay current with the latest quilting trends and judging philosophy.

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